
I remain involved in several public budgeting and financial management research projects with a variety of co-authors and several longer-term research projects involving municipal securities, subnational debt, public budgeting, tax policy, and economic history.

To advance research on municipal securities at the university, I created the Municipal Securities Laboratory to provide comprehensive linked primary and secondary market datasets and access to a Bloomberg Terminal.

My Curriculum Vitae provides a complete listing of my academic activities. The publications listed below include the most recent and some of current interest.

Google Scholar page. ORCID number page.

Articles and Chapters

"Which Survey Report to Use? A Revisit to the 1934 Survey of Public Finance Scholars," National Tax Journal, 77:3 (September 2024), 533-564. With Phuong Nguyen-Hoang and Pengju Zhang. 

"The Security, Structure, and Market of Municipal Debt: Recent Trends, Research, and Developments," in Craig L. Johnson, Temirlan T. Moldogaziev, and Justin M. Ross (editors), Research Handbook on City and Municipal Finance. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2023, 271-300. With Justina Jose.

"Why Did States Fail to Take Over City-Owned Airports: A Tale of Three Cities," Journal of Air Transport Management. 110 (July 2023), 102423. With Can Chen and Keith Jacobi.

"Teaching Capital Budgeting and Debt Financing," in Bruce D. McDonald and Meagan M. Jordan (editors), Teaching Public Budgeting and Finance. New York, NY: Routledge, 2022, pp. 75-108.

"Does Financial Slack Reduce Municipal Short-term Borrowing?" Public Budgeting & Finance, 38:1 (Spring 2018), 95-113. With Min Su.

Impact of Bankruptcy Eligibility Requirements and Statutory Liens on Borrowing Costs,” Public Budgeting & Finance, 37:4 (Winter 2017), 47-73. With Temirlan T. Moldogaziev and Sharon N. Kioko. Winner of the Jesse Burkhead Award as the best 2017 article published in the journal.

"A Descriptive Analysis of the Municipal Advisors Market," Municipal Finance Journal, 34:4 (Winter 2014), 69.98. With Martin Luby.

State Government Catastrophe Risk Financing and the Capital Markets,” National Tax Association: Proceedings of the 104th Annual Conference on Taxation, pp. 55-61. With Gerald J. Miller and Emefa Sewordor.

Finance Managers’ Propensity to Save,” Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting & Financial Management,” 24:2 (Summer 2012), 313-349. With Samuel J. Yeager, Gerald J. Miller, and Jack Rabin.

Government-Wide Financial Statements and Credit Risk,” Public Budgeting & Finance, 32:1 (Spring 2012), 80-104. With Craig L. Johnson and Sharon N. Kioko. Winner of the Jesse Burkhead Award as the best 2012 article published in the journal.

Pullback Management: State Budgeting Under Fiscal Stress,” in Robert D. Ebel and John E. Petersen (Editors), The Oxford Handbook of State and Local Government Finance. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2012, pp. 816-842. With Carolyn Bourdeaux.

Frederickson’s Social Equity Agenda Applied: Public Support and Willingness to Pay,” Public Integrity, 14:1 (Winter 2011-12), 19-37. With Mark Glasser, Brandon J. McGuire and Corinne Bannon.

Implications of Successful Career Paths of Top Local Government Finance Managers,” Public Budgeting & Finance, 30:4 (Winter 2010), 81-96. With Samuel J. Yeager, Gerald J. Miller, and Jack Rabin.

Mapping a Field’s Development: 20 Years of ABFM Conferences,” Public Budgeting & Finance, 29:3 (Fall 2009), 15-27. With Michael Woodrum.

The Financial Logistics of Disaster: The Case of Hurricane Katrina,” Public Performance & Management Review, 32:3 (March 2009), 400-436.

Estimates of the Uniform and Equal Property Tax Base before Exemptions,” National Tax Association: Proceedings 100th Annual Conference on Taxation 2007 (and printed in State Tax Notes 49:6, August 11, 2008). With John D. Wong and Glenn W. Fisher.

The Relative Effects of Supervisors Emphasizing Ethical Behavior Versus Political Responsiveness,” Public Integrity 9:3 (2007), 265-281. With Samuel J. Yeager, Gerald J. Miller, and Jack Rabin.

What Difference Does Having an MPA Make?Journal of Public Administration Education 13:2 (2007), 147-167. With Samuel J. Yeager, Gerald J. Miller, and Jack Rabin

"Local Debt Management," in Anwar Shah (Editor), Local Public Financial Management. Washington, DC: The World Bank, 2007, pp. 136-165. With Gerald J. Miller.

"Local Government Own-Source Revenues and Debt: Structure and Stress," in Michael A. Pagano and Robert Leonardi (Editors), The Dynamics of Federalism in National and Supranational Political Systems. Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, pp. 136-165.

Canadian and American Federalism in the Capital Markets: Comparative Debt Financing, Canadian Foreign Policy 12:3 (2006), 93-104. Updated tables here.

Leading the Way to Better Budgeting,” Government Finance Review (Issue devoted to Centennial Anniversary of GFOA), 22:2 (April 2006), 50-58.

Federalism and Capital Markets in Canada and the U.S.: Financing Infrastructure in the Wake of Hurricane Katrina,” Policy Options/Politiques 27:1 (December 2005-January 2006), 39-45.

The Evolution of the State and Local Government Municipal Debt Market Over The Past Quarter Century,” Public Budgeting & Finance, Special Issue 2005, 127-153. With Kurt Zorn.

Interstate Tax Uniformity and the Multistate Tax Commission,” National Tax Journal 58:3 (September, 2005), 575-589. With Matt Murray and David Sjoquist. (Complete paper including detailed review of the research on interstate compacts.)

How Financial Managers Deal with Ethical Stress,” Public Administration Review 65:3 (May/June 2005), 301-312. With Gerald J. Miller, Samuel J. Yeager and Jack Rabin.

"Tax Transparency," in Joseph J. Cordes, Robert Ebel and Jane Gravelle (editors), Encyclopedia of Taxation and Tax Policy, 2nd Edition. Washington, DC: Urban Institute Press, 2005, pp. 429-430.

"Deregulation of Utilities: A Challenge and an Opportunity for State and Local Governments," in David L. Sjoquist (Editor), State and Local Finances Under Pressure. New York, NY: Edward Elgar Publishing, Ltd., 2003, pp. 222-275. With Bruce Seaman.

"The Theme of Public Finance in the Amusement Park Industry," National Tax Association: Proceedings 95th Annual Conference on Taxation, 2002, pp. 409-415. With John Wong.

"Debt and the Local Economy: Problems in Benchmarking Local Government Debt Affordability," Public Budgeting & Finance 22:4 (Winter 2002), 99-113. With Gerald J. Miller.

"The Business of Public Management," Public Productivity Review 12:3 (Spring 1989), 303-322. With Rodger P. Hildreth


Research Handbook on Public Financial Management. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2023, 431 pp. Co-editor Komla D. Dzigbede.

Handbook of Public Administration, Fourth Edition. New York, NY: Routledge, 2021, 334 pp. Co-editors Gerald J. Miller and Evert Lindquist.

Management Policies in Local Government Finance, 6th edition. Washington, DC: International City/County Management Association, 2013, 476 pp. Co-editors John R. Bartle and Justin Marlowe.

Budgeting: Politics and Power, Second Edition. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2013, 346 pp. With Carol Lewis.

Handbook of Public Administration, Third Edition. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press - Taylor & Francis, 2007, 1243 pp. Co-editor with Jack Rabin and Gerald J. Miller.

Financial Management Theory in the Public Sector. Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing, 2004, 270 pp. Co-editor with Aman Khan (Translated into Chinese in 2007).

Case Studies in Public Budgeting and Financial Management: Second Edition, Revised and Expanded. New York, NY: Marcel Dekker, Inc., 800 pp. Co-editor with Aman Khan.

Budget Theory in the Public Sector. Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing, 2002, 297 pp. Co-editor with Aman Khan (Translated into Chinese in 2007).

State & Local Government Debt Issuance and Management Service. Austin, TX: Sheshunoff Information Services Inc., updated to 2008. Assisted by Robert Doty, John Gunyou and Mike Bell.

Performance-Based Budgeting. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 2001, 503 pp. Co-editor with Gerald J. Miller and Jack Rabin (An ASPA Classics Volume).

Handbook on Taxation. New York, NY: Marcel Dekker, Inc., 1999, 998 pp. Co-editor with James A. Richardson.

Budgeting: Formulation and Execution. Athens, GA: Carl Vinson Institute of Government, University of Georgia, 1996, 531 pp. Co-editor with Jack Rabin and Gerald J. Miller.

Public Budgeting Laboratory: Workbook, Second Edition, Athens, GA: Carl Vinson Institute of Government, University of Georgia, 1996. With Jack Rabin and Gerald J. Miller.